
2021年1月28日——弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行宣布获得2021年全国最佳工作场所奖, 由能源公司发出. 今年是“全国最佳工作场所”评选的第一年, built on the program’s 14-year history surveying more than 20 million employees across 54 markets for the regional Top Workplaces awards.

Companies on the 2021 National Top Workplaces list are chosen based solely on employee feedback gathered through an employee engagement survey, 由能源公司发出. Results are calculated by comparing the company’s survey responses against industry benchmarks related to 15 文化 Drivers.

“We are thrilled to receive this recognition as a 2021 National Top Workplaces award winner,彼得·史密斯说, 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行总裁兼首席执行官. “This reflects the high level of engagement exhibited by our employee-owners and their alignment to our culture of ownership and accountability.”

“全美最佳工作场所”向大型组织开放, 员工人数在150人以上的, 以及那些可能在多个市场开展业务的公司. 来自全国各地的数千个组织受到邀请, 大于1,100家公司参加了“全国最佳工作场所”调查.

除了2021年全国最佳工作场所奖之外, 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台 was recognized as an Industry 2021 Top Workplace in the Technology category and was recognized with the following 2021 Top Workplace 文化 Excellence awards: Clued-In Leaders, 最高领导人, 沟通, 和创新.

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